Super Phantom Cat 2
Meet Ari. He's on a journey to rescue his sister, Ina, who has been kidnapped in the mysterious Phantom world. He's determined. He's focused. But super-scary enemies, super powers, allies and hidden secrets await him.
In Super Phantom Cat 2, you can possess the best Phantom superpowers yet:
· Bounce higher and higher to reach for the sky and stars.
· Float on balloons into the Wild Woods and Alps.
· Break walls, stone, and metal.
· Shrink and enlarge monsters with the touch of a finger.
· Turn irritating critters into ice statues.
· Shift to invincible mode if danger still prevails.
Play as one of many characters, such as:
· The lead singer and guitarist of a band.
· A dancer who plays pranks and dresses up as a skeleton.
· A pink-haired magician who is a master of cards.
· A funky teen skater obsessed with extreme sports.
· An adventurous cowboy always on a lookout for treasure.
· And champions from Mushroom stomping, Juice blending and Cuteness competitions.
· Find hidden secrets in the mysterious Phantom World.
· Discover different levels and checkpoints.
It's a purr-iceless experience for everyone!
In Super Phantom Cat 2, you can own props, which save you from cata-astrophe. If cats have nine lives, you can earn even more!
· Create props based on your own requirements. · Whether you are a beginner or a master at platform games, you need these props to complete your mission.
Wait, there's more...
Save your progress across multiple devices. Mobiles, tablets, Apple TV — you can access Super Phantom Cat 2 from all of these locations.
From the creators of Super Phantom Cat, which featured in the App Store's "Best of 2016," Super Phantom Cat 2 is the hottest, baddest platform game of 2017.
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