The Unbeatable Game
Get ready for the NEXT BIG THING! The Unbeatable Game REDEFINES the word ADDICTIVE! The gameplay is deceptively simple: tap on the side of the screen where you want the ball to go, avoid hitting walls. Sounds easy? WRONG! To beat this game, you'll need cat-like reflexes, a Mensa-level IQ, a photographic memory AND a keen spidey sense. The game features state of the art 3D graphics, a pumping soundtrack synced to the action, gorgeous physics-simulated crashes with tens of thousands of particles flying in the air! Mobile gaming doesn't get any better than this people!
Will YOU be the one to do the IMPOSSIBLE and beat THE UNBEATABLE GAME?
A few things about the controls that might not be self-evident:
1. After every move you have to wait a small amount of time before you can move again. Movement commands do not register during the pause.
2. Holding down the movement button is the fastest way to move multiple steps.
Supports MFi game controllers.;